Monday, December 1, 2008

Put in your iPod, tune out the world

I have noticed more and more people around campus putting their iPod in the second that they get out of class. To me this seems strange. I understand the love of music, but it always seemed a little rude to me. Do we need to block out the world immediately when we leave the classroom or step out anywhere we may have to interact with people?

I understand the use of an iPod on a walk or run. I understand listening to music in the car. I understand using an iPod when studying. What I don't understand is why it is necessary to have the iPod in to walk three minutes to class. Are we really that afraid that we will have to say hi to someone? Apparently, seeing as a good deal of people put in the headphones, put their head down and go.

Take out the earbuds. Listen to the leaves crunch. Say hello to friends that you walk by. Pay attention to the world around you. Who knows, you may like what you hear.


  1. I do notice a lot of people wearing their iPods when they get out of class--but I don't think it bothers me. I have done the same thing before, however most of my classes are in one building so it's pointless. But some people travel further or maybe are going to eat lunch. I like the sight of ear buds in peoples ear.

  2. I agree with you about people putting in their ipods imediately after class is rude. I guess I don't see the point of putting in my earphones when I don't even have enough time to listen to an entire song! Plus I don't want to discourage people from talking to me. I now that I hesitate sometimes to approach someone I know if they have their earphones in.

  3. I suppose it is a personal thing for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people listening to their iPods when they have a distance to walk, but I have seen people put in their ear buds to walk from the library to McEwen. Maybe I am just don't get it.

  4. And save your hearing! Perhaps it's because I worked at a hearing and speech center and saw the effects of hearing loss, or perhaps it's because Baby Boomers like myself have lost hearing at a younger age because of "that loud rock 'n' roll music" and are suffering the consequences. It used to be that you didn't have to worry about hearing aids until after you were 60. Now, it's in the 40s. I can't imagine what's next.

  5. I agree that it is rude to put your headphones in and I feel like they are shutting out the world. Like you said, enjoy the outdoors and say hi to friends!
    I work at the mall and see people walking around the mall with their headphones in, which too me is kind of weird. I guess I understand if they are by themselves, but it is like they don't want anyone to talk to them. They leave them in when they come up to the register to check out and i'm not sure if I should say hi or just let them be, they should at least take one headphone out to hear. Whatever, I guess people just aren't into being friendly today!

  6. Ann-
    Those ear buds can definitely cause hearing damage. In fact, they even have a warning on the package when you buy them!! I was waiting for a train going into NYC and there was a guy about 20 ft away from me listening to music on an iPod... I could hear every word of his music. It was completely unnecessary. If I wanted to listen to music, I would have put my headphones on too. He will probably be deaf by the time he is 28... sad...

  7. Lisa-
    That is as bad as when people talk on their phones at the register. Have some respect for the person behind the counter!

  8. This bothers me so much! I have this one friend in my class who always does this the minute class ends! Its so frustrating because then you are unsure of whether you should talk to them or not. Another thing that bothers me is when people talk to you with their earbuds still in their ears. Its like how loud should I be talking. Haha such a good rant!

  9. Meghan- Oh my gosh! I work at the bookstore/convenient store on campus and when people leave theird headphones on...IT DRIVES ME NUTS! It's just beyond rude! Walking alone is one thing but when someone is cashing you some respect!

  10. Ashley- I know exactly what you mean. I never know whether someone has the iPod on or off. I can't seem to figure out if I should speak normally or yell or just not talk to them at all. It just makes me confused and frustrated...

  11. Lauren- I really don't understand how people can do that! Is their music that good? If it is, I want to know who they are listening to!!!

  12. Slightly embarrassing, but I used to listen to my iPod while walking around campus until the rubber ring on my in ear headphones got stuck in my ear and I had to swing over to Lograsso health center for them to pull it out.

    They tried to convince me I had the common cold.

  13. I have to agree with your views on this one Meghan. I pop in my earbuds when I walk from my apartment to class, but other than that, my iPod has a nice little resting spot in it's dock on my desk at home.

    In relation to what Lisa mentioned, I waitress and I have encountered people who come to eat alone and listen to their music the whole time, or have a video games with headphones in. Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad people are courteous enough to use headphones, but would it really kill ya to take them out when I'm nicely trying to take your order?

    Overall, I think that technology has caused people to be uneasy when placed in a social situation alone. When people are taught from experience that going out to dinner or shopping are to be done with the company of others, they are forced to have "company" at all times, even if the company if their favorite band and a pair of earbuds.

  14. I think I'm probably the only person in Fredonia that has never owned an ipod and still don't own an ipod. I see the ear bud headphones all over the place, I actually found a pair in the snow when I was outside of Thompson hall on Sunday.
    As to people wearing them and "tuning out the world", I agree with you. I think that ipods may have turned into a security blanket of sorts for people. I know that my cell phone has in a way. whenever I have to kill sometime before class, instead of starting at the wall, I surf the web on my phone. I guess thats my way of "tuning out the world"

  15. Garret- I am surprised they didn't tell you that you were pregnant!

  16. Katie- I can't believe that people seriously can't take out thier earbuds when you are waiting on them... wow...

    You make a really good point... I may make a post out of that thought. THANKS!!!!

  17. Jon- I have seen so many ways that people tune out the world. I will admit that I tend to make calls when I am waiting for something or look through my texts or even play Tetris on my phone so that I don't look like the weird loner sitting there staring at people...

  18. I used to be guilty of this, I would always have my earbuds in on my way from Schulz to class. I attribute some of this habit to a brand new expensive gadget I felt I had to use. I eventually realized how much it cut me off, and I stopped using it just for 5 minute walks.
